By 发表: 2月. 28, 2017

Transforms media theory classroom into fine arts lab, 学生成为出版商, 管理员和网站管理员 

像“开创性”或“革命性”这样的荣誉很少被授予教学成就. 博彩平台推荐 英语 Assistant Professor Thora Brylowe, 然而, brought an especially innovative approach to the plainly titled course, “ENGL 2036: Introduction to Media Theory in the Humanities,这是她去年秋天教的.

应用学习风格可以是吸引学生并取得积极成果的有效手段, meaning knowledge that can be measured quantifiably, demonstrated by a skill or set of skills, and applied toward the creation of a capstone project, 或者在Brylowe的例子中, 其中三个. But how does one design an effective, applied learning-based course for the 英语 classroom, 或者是内容驱动的, 通常是论文较多的课程?  

进入Brylowe. In the ENGL 2036 section that she taught this past Fall, she aimed to explore “the history of media and mediation, from the early modern period to the present, 重点是 亲自动手的 基于项目的学习.” The course, so far, sounded uncommon, but not exactly groundbreaking.

然后,她告诉她的学生,他们要在这学期的课程中完成三个独立的大范围项目, 每个都以协作的方式进行. 公众将通过三种不同的媒体形式体验到结果:书籍, 图片和互联网.

第一个, 她告诉她的学生, 他们会创造, 从头到尾, a hardcover book – from the early phase of selecting content, to the final stage of being able to pick it up and read it, 像图书馆里的任何一本书一样. 下一个, 他们会仔细梳理捐赠给加州大学艺术博物馆的早期现代版画, 选择视觉内容, and curate an exhibit there with the help of Hope Saska, curator of collections and exhibitions. 最后的, 他们将与温哥华英属哥伦比亚大学(UBC)的一个班级合作, 加拿大, 创建一个在线特别收藏展览和档案,使用来自诺林图书馆特别收藏的材料.


索拉·布赖洛(Thora Brylowe)参观了由她的学生为CU艺术博物馆策划的早期现代版画展览. At the top of the page, Brylowe showcases a the student-published 无经验之歌, 威廉·布莱克(William Blake)在讨论她的“人文学科媒介理论导论”课程时说. 克雷格Levinsky拍摄.


她想带领学生对“知识技术的历史发展”进行调查, focusing on print and digital modes,” wrote Brylowe in her syllabus. 为此目的, 她承诺要“摆脱讲座/讨论的形式,把博彩平台推荐学习的工具和技术付诸实践。.”

“我是一名历史学家,”布赖洛说,尽管她的研究领域是英国浪漫主义. “我想想想创作一篇文学作品的最初场景. 谁是它的读者? 谁关心它,为什么? And why do we keep holding onto it? In order to do that, you have to look at the original material form. So that’s where I take this idea of embodied practice, 在哪里你可以通过人们所做的劳动来了解他们的生活经验.”

To tackle the first and perhaps heftiest endeavor of producing a book, a custom anthology of William Blake, Brylowe first spent two weeks teaching the poet’s Songs of Innocence and of Experience布雷克本人是一名印刷工、雕刻家和浪漫主义作家.

The students selected the pieces they wanted to anthologize, and with the help of the nonprofit Book Arts League in Lafayette, 科罗拉多州., 他们提供了设施, 印刷机, 指导与时间, designed the layout and set the type by hand. 图书艺术联盟的许多志愿者都在科罗拉多大学的诺林图书馆工作. The students then printed, bound and cased the book.

Holding up the finished book, a beautiful, blue, clothbound, hardcover, 无经验之歌, 威廉·布莱克, 由她的学生命名,既是对课堂上学习的原始文本的致敬,也是“他们在项目开始时缺乏知识的信号”,Brylowe补充道, 现在我的学生可以说, ‘If you look in the library catalog, Special Collections actually has this book with a call number. I made a book which is now housed there.’ I wanted that to be something the students could have.”  

I want my students to understand that mediation has a history. 博彩平台推荐在文字处理器上所做的事情有一定的历史,它涉及到人类背部和双手的大量劳动. That’s what makes literature possible.”

对于第二个项目, 博物馆展览, 她的学生首先看了一组早期现代的版画, 哪些是由捐赠人捐赠并放在特别收藏的, and chose the ones they found interesting.

他们对他们进行了研究,布赖洛说。, 并想到了一个博彩app推荐印刷品如何调解叙事的令人信服的展览. Some of the prints depict historical events, 其中一些是文学性的,”她说。 of the images dating from around 1550 to 1820.

“They wrote labels and summaries,” she explained. “这些作品被裱起来了. 展览经理解释了他所做的工作,以及如何处理17件皱巴巴的作品th 和18th centuries that had been in a drawer, 在那之前还有一本书, 博彩平台推荐的状态也不太好, and explained the various ways that people frame archival material. 然后,这些标签要经过博物馆严格的编辑和监管程序。. “It went up on the wall, and we had a catered opening. They made a professional museum exhibit.”

就像布莱克的书, her students can now visit the museum catalog today, view the entries they wrote for their exhibit and declare, “这是我最初的研究,布赖洛说。, “‘现在它在世界上了.’”

那年夏天,布赖洛不是接到了另一位浪漫主义者米兰达·伯吉斯的电话吗, 然而, 她将在温哥华的英属哥伦比亚大学教授她自己的媒体理论课程, Brylowe’s class may have never gotten off the ground. Burgess问Brylowe是否对使用网络进行班级合作感兴趣, distance-learning technology and Skype. “I signed on immediately,布赖洛说。.

在一起, Brylowe和Burgess制定了合作项目,这成为Brylowe课程的第三个作业. 这两位教授为他们的学生安排了在各自的校园参观特别收藏的档案. 然后, 国家分开, 学生们挑选作品, 为他们拍照, 彼此分享他们的选择,并就一个有凝聚力的集合达成一致.

Brylowe和Burgess教授他们的学生学术研究过程,并在Wordpress上建立了一个网站模板. The two classes, thereafter, co-produced an 在线 exhibit titled “第一个 Impressions: Books and Papers from the Hand-Press Period.”

Since there were no papers to measure, 布莱洛学生的最终成绩很大程度上是由同辈和自我评估以及校园社区成员组成的评委会决定的, 包括文理学院院长史蒂文·利和副院长瓦莱里奥·费姆.

看到教师们如此富有想象力地将他们的课程概念化是令人兴奋的. 她和她的学生对这门课的奉献,以及他们从中获得的快乐,都是显而易见的.”

“布赖洛教授的课是一个很好的例子,说明了博彩平台推荐如何将校园资源应用到课堂上, such as the art museum and the personnel in the Norlin Library,迪恩·利说。. “看到教师们如此富有想象力地将他们的课程概念化,这令人兴奋. 她和她的学生对这门课的奉献,以及他们从中获得的快乐,都是显而易见的.”

“My work is about practice,布赖洛说。. “我对调解创造性工作的过程和涉及劳动的想法很感兴趣. I want my students to understand that mediation has a history. 博彩平台推荐在文字处理器上所做的事情有一定的历史,它涉及到人类背部和双手的大量劳动. That’s what makes literature possible.”

“There are different ways to understand knowledge literary transmission, other than one author begets another author who begets another, and we’re all standing on the shoulders of giants, so I’m interested in the material transmission of that, and in the cost involved in terms of both resources and biopower.”

“I think the students were happy,” Brylowe admits. “They learned how to do ‘this 的东西.’ But it was the process of research,”,, as she explained to her students, 她每天都忙于工作, comparing their experience to her work on her current project, a book about paper in the Romantic period.

“I have to figure out how to determine the content of paper. I have to think about my archive. What is the sample I’m going to use to complete this project?”她说。. “So here are these research questions. 这是这个档案,” much like the prints her students exhibited in the museum, 在线, 在布莱克的汇编中. 

“I said to my students, here’s a bunch of 的东西. Do something with it,布赖洛说。. “我知道他们能做到. They complained at the beginning, but I told them, ‘This is research. 这没什么难的. 重要的是去做.’ So I trusted them, and they did well. They have great ideas, and they do things in unexpected ways. If you let them, the collaboration will unfold.”

问她下一步打算做什么, 布赖洛说,她从英语系和副教授洛里·爱默生那里得到了一笔资助, who runs the Media Archeology Lab. 他们计划为媒体生态考古购买印刷和雕刻机 & Technology Lab affiliated with the MAL. 明年秋季, 布赖洛将教授一门名为“拯救世界”的第一年研讨班,以解决核心问题, 策展人是什么意思?