




The 化学与生物工程系 offers an innovative graduate program and emphasizes the doctoral degree. The department's outstanding domestic and international students take advantage of the high level of faculty-student collaboration and benefit from access to six interdisciplinary research centers. Department faculty and students have won numerous awards both nationally and internationally.

The department particularly encourages applications from students who would broaden the diversity of our graduate community. 博彩平台推荐知道,多样性对学术和职场成功至关重要 博彩平台推荐致力于创建一个包容和协作的社区.


The master of science degree requires 30 hours of approved course work and successful completion of a comprehensive final exam or thesis defense. 学生可以进行论文或非论文计划.

The department emphasizes the PhD degree and does not accept applications from students seeking a terminal master’s degree. Students generally obtain master’s degrees in the course of fulfilling the requirements for the PhD degree.


The doctor of philosophy degree requires 30 hours of approved course work and 30 hours of dissertation. 学生必须顺利通过初试, 综合考试及论文答辩.


Full financial support is available to admitted PhD students in the form of assistantships and fellowships. 这笔资金不需要考虑额外的表格.

Students admitted to the MS program are not eligible to receive department financial support.

A significant number of PhD students are supported through external fellowships available through the National Science Foundation, 国防部, 能源部, 美国国家航空航天局, 等.,并强烈建议申请者申请相关的外部奖学金.


Admission is based on overall student qualifications and is independent of research subject area. Department faculty and staff members do not conduct individual recruiting practices for prospective graduate students. Prospective student information will only be reviewed through formal submittal to the Graduate Admissions Committee.


所有申请人必须使用 网上申请系统.

  • 持有认可学院或大学的学士学位或同等学历.
  • The GRE is no longer a requirement for admission to our graduate program and it is not part of our review process.
  • 个人陈述:所有申请者必须提供一份个人陈述.  在你的个人陈述中, please 1) summarize your educational and research experiences and their implications to your pursuit of a PhD, 2) explain how graduate studies will enable you to realize your professional and personal ambitions, and 3) conclude with why you believe the University of Colorado is an institution that can help you realize your professional goals. 具体说明研究经历和研究兴趣, 列出教师的名字.
  • 所有就读高等教育机构的非正式成绩单. For review and decision purposes you are required to upload an unofficial copy of your transcript(s) in the online application. We require one copy of the scanned transcript from each undergraduate and graduate institution that you attended. 这包括社区大学、暑期课程和扩展项目. 而一个机构的学分可能会出现在另一个机构的成绩单上, 非正式成绩单必须由各院校提交, 不管上课时间长短, 以及课程是否完成. Failure to list and submit transcripts from all institutions previously attended is considered to be a violation of academic ethics and may result in the cancellation of your admission or dismissal from the university. 只有在你被推荐入学后,你才需要提供正式的成绩单. 阅读上传非官方成绩单到你的申请的说明.
  • 三封推荐信. 您将在在线申请中输入推荐人的联系信息.
  • International applicants must submit an unofficial score report for the TOEFL (minimum 100ibt), 雅思(最低7分).0) or Duolingo (minimum 120) 英语 proficiency exam to the 博彩平台推荐. The department will waive the 英语 language requirement if the applicant has studied at a U.S. 在你期望的入学期限的两年内,至少在学校学习一年, 或者申请人是下列国家之一的公民:澳大利亚, 伯利兹, 博茨瓦纳, 加拿大英语, 英联邦加勒比, 加纳, 英国, 印度, 爱尔兰, 新西兰, 尼日利亚, 津巴布韦, 苏格兰, 新加坡或南非.


The 化学与生物工程系 particularly encourages applications from students who would broaden the diversity of our graduate community. 博彩平台推荐知道,多样性对学术和职场成功至关重要, 博彩平台推荐致力于创建一个包容和协作的社区. 了解更多有关 科罗拉多大学博尔德多样性倡议.



2025年秋季入学, The 工程学院 will be offering application fee waivers to all domestic PhD applicants who meet the following criteria.  NO code is required, the fee waiver will be automatically applied once you submit your application.

·申请人必须是美国公民.S. 美国公民.S. 永久居民.

·申请人必须申请 工程与应用科学学院博士课程




·申请必须在晚上11:59之前提交.m. 11月MST. 15, 2024

申请费用将会  申请硕士学位者可获豁免.

The Graduate School offers application fee waivers for participants in the following programs: AmeriCorps (currently serving), AI中的黑色(BAI), 建设基础设施促进多样性(BUILD)倡议, 大学科学技术入学计划(CSTEP), 盖茨千年学者, 领导的联盟, 生命科学本科生暑期研究计划(LSSURP), 路易斯-斯托克斯少数民族参与联盟, 数学联盟学者, 麦克奈尔学者计划, 梅隆梅斯大学本科生奖学金计划, 少数民族获得研究事业(MARC)学者计划, 和平队(现服役), 学士后研究教育计划(PREP), 聪明的, 奇卡诺人/西班牙裔和美洲原住民科学促进会, 为美国而教, 以及女性+有色人种项目(W+OCP). 如果你是 affiliated with one of these programs, please send us proof of your affiliation to gradadm@chiastocka.com 后 您已经启动了一个应用程序,并且 之前 你提交,博彩平台推荐将为你处理你的费用减免. 

如果你在美国.S. military you will receive an automatic fee waiver as a thank you for your service (active duty, 经验丰富的, 以前曾, 和主动储备都有资格获得自动费用减免).

如果你是 无证 和/或 童年抵美暂缓遣返计划(DACA) 受益人,请联系 gradadm@chiastocka.com 查询可能的费用减免.


所有国际申请者的申请费为80美元. 然而,在9月. 1日和12月. 1, the department will consider waiving the application fee for international students seeking a PhD degree who have an undergraduate (bachelor) GPA greater than or equal to 3.80/4.00, 4.00/5.00, 90/100, 9.0/ 10,90%或18/20来自认可的学院或大学. 如果您符合要求,请发邮件给博彩平台推荐 研究生协调员 一份你最近的非正式成绩单和简历. 研究生招生委员会对你的成绩单和简历进行审查后, 您将收到有关如何免除申请费的说明.



申请由系里的研究生招生委员会审查. Final admissions decisions are communicated to all applicants via the email you provide in your online application. 居住在美国的录取学生将被邀请参观博彩平台推荐, 部门费用, 在春天的两个周末中的一个. These visit weekends provide recruits with an overview of the research conducted in the department; meetings with faculty; tours of the Jennie Smoly Caruthers Biotech Building, 参观实验室, 校园旅游. There will be opportunities to meet with faculty and graduate students in a social setting and participate in activities with graduate students so that you can become acquainted with Boulder and the surrounding area.


596美元,rm 125a

电子邮件: chbegrad@chiastocka.com



联系研究生协调员Dominique de Vangel: chbegrad@chiastocka.com.


2025年秋季国际申请截止日期:12月12日. 1, 2024

12月. 15, 2024

  • 秋季的申请决定将在3月底公布.

