Mike Gooseff在阿拉斯加工作

Michael Gooseff当选为AGU研究员

Sept. 18, 2024

Michael Gooseff has been elected as a Fellow of the American Geophysical Union (AGU). He was selected for his exemplary leadership and for advancing our understanding of how a changing climate affects ecosystems and freshwater supply.

叶子上的黄色蜉蝣. 摄影:Michael Palmer. 知识共享署名-相同方式共享.0国际许可证.

The mayflies are sending us a warning about urban wildfires (Washington Post)

Sept. 17, 2024

Lauren Magliozzi (CEAE researcher) offers her perspective on what happens to tiny organisms in streams affected by wildfires has meaning for humans, as well. The story told by these streams and their tiny inhabitants is clear: Urban wildfires pose a serious threat to water quality and aquatic life.

Alton Byers photographs glacial lakes forming near the terminus of the Kangchenjunga glacier in eastern Nepal. Shristi Karki摄.


Sept. 13, 2024

Rapid thawing of the Himalayan ice-cap is compounded by little-studied melting of permafrost that destabilizes peaks, 威尔弗里德·哈伯利和奥尔顿·拜尔斯写道.

放在指尖上的半透明磷虾.  它们大约是成年人小指的大小. (资料来源:索菲·韦伯/美国国家海洋和大气管理局)

Increased krill fishing threatens whale comeback (今天的科罗拉多大学)

Sept. 11, 2024

Antarctic krill fishing could threaten the recovery of whale species that were nearly wiped out by industrial whaling, 根据博彩平台推荐和斯坦福大学领导的一项研究, 并于9月出版. 发表在《博彩平台推荐》杂志上. Zephyr Sylvester and Cassandra Brooks were part of the research team.

Banded cliffs rise above barren slopes and a large glacier in the dry valleys of Antarctica.  The region forms the coldest, driest, and windiest ecosystems known. (资料来源:迈克尔·古塞夫/博彩平台推荐)

How Earth’s most intense heat wave ever impacted life in Antarctica (今天的科罗拉多大学)

Sept. 4, 2024

一条大气河流带来了温暖, humid air to the coldest and driest corner of the planet in 2022, 气温高于平均气温70度. Mike Gooseff and Anna Wright were part of a study revealing what happened to Antarctica’s smallest animals.

十几只阿德利企鹅站在一块浮冰上, 身后是漆黑的海洋远处是正在崩解的冰盖.

Southern Ocean’s hidden treasures: Scientists identify crucial wildlife conservation sites (今天的科罗拉多大学)

Aug. 15, 2024

A team of scientists led by CU Boulder has identified 30 new areas critical for conserving biodiversity in the Southern Ocean surrounding Antarctica. The researchers warn that without greater protection to limit human activities in these areas, 本土野生动物的数量可能会大幅下降. 该团队由莎拉·贝克尔领导,包括卡桑德拉·布鲁克斯.

James Balog, founder and director of the Extreme Ice Survey and the Earth Vision Institute, leans on his camera while photographing ice in the field at Jökulsárlón, Iceland. -来源:Svavar Jónatansson, Extreme Ice Survey

The story is in the ice: Documenting climate change through the Extreme Ice Survey (NSIDC)

Aug. 13, 2024

从2007年到2022年, renowned photographer (and INSTAAR Affiliate) James Balog documented glacial change around the world in real time via timelapse imagery through a project called the Extreme Ice Survey. 1.5 million images from the project are now stored and managed at the National Snow and Ice Data Center.


The Atlantic Gulf Stream was unexpectedly strong during the last ice age – new study (The Conversation)

Aug. 12, 2024

New research suggests that the North Atlantic subtropical gyre may have been much stronger and deeper during the Last Glacial Maximum, 尽管普遍的寒冷气候和冰盖的存在. Tom Marchitto was part of a research team led by Jack Wharton of University College London.

白色多面穹顶, 这里是取心探险钻机的所在地, 位于格陵兰冰原之上. 克里斯汀·梅西摄于佛蒙特大学.

新的化石揭示了无冰的格陵兰岛. 这对海平面上升来说是个坏消息. (Grist)

Aug. 8, 2024

“博彩平台推荐正在创造一个冰盖即将融化的世界,泰勒·琼斯说。, explaining the results of a new study on fossilized plant and insect parts found at the bottom of Greenland's ice sheet.

Lauren Magliozzi taking samples from a partially burned section of Coal Creek, 穿过苏必利尔和路易斯维尔.  She took samples after the Marshall Fire every time it rained as part of a a study of the after effects of urban fires on streams.

城市火灾不仅仅是烧毁建筑物. 它们在博彩平台推荐的水道中留下了印记(KUNC)

Aug. 6, 2024

While fire is a normal part of the ecosystem of the Mountain West, fires that push into urban areas are destructive to those landscapes. 城市火灾的影响, 被称为城市大火, 会对水道的本地生态产生长期影响吗. KUNC主持人Stephanie Daniel采访了Lauren Magliozzi. They discuss what we should be looking for in the water after a major wildfire.
