Application Deadlines
  • December 1

Shape the future of engineering education. 

博彩平台推荐的博士课程旨在通过研究提高工程师的教育水平, project-based learning paradigms, and integrated design principles. 通过博彩平台推荐博彩平台推荐教育学院和其他基于学科的教育研究小组的合作, 博彩平台推荐灵活的课程将技术专长与教育成果相结合. 

The program is designed for students with a background in engineering. As a candidate you can expect to: 

  • Conduct and direct research in engineering education. 
  • 开发,审查和批评研究工程教育的研究设计. 
  • Learn to effectively teach engineering subjects.
  • Design and assess engineering courses. 
  • Address critical issues facing engineering education. 

Our Faculty Affiliates

Structure of the PhD Program

The 60-credit-hour program includes: 

Admissions Requirements

The application process runs through the CU Graduate School. It requires: 

  • Transcripts
    • 可以在申请中提供所有本科和研究生院校的非正式成绩单
    • If you receive and offer of admission and confirm your intent to enroll, you will be required to submit official transcripts
  • Three letters of reference
  • A personal statement of academic and research interests
    • Please limit to 1000 words; describe why you are choosing to pursue a research-focused doctoral program in engineering education and what has prepared you for this challenge. 你应该考虑包括以下信息(你不需要涉及所有项目):
    • Your academic and research interests, 包括你申请博彩平台推荐工程教育项目的动机
    • 你的长期科学和职业目标,以及博彩平台推荐工程教育博士学位将如何帮助你实现你的职业目标
    • Your research experiences such as publications, theses, research in progress, and other scholarly activities
    • Relevant past experience, including industry work, teaching, challenging coursework, non-course educational experience, etc. How did the experience prepare or motivate you to do research?
    • 你的个人经历和对教育多样性的贡献, service activities, or research experiences. (if not addressed in diversity statement)
    • 其他应用程序组件中未包含的任何相关信息, such as leadership ability, perseverance, and commitment to justice.
  • Diversity statement (optional) that describes: how your educational, professional, and/or personal experiences have prepared you to mentor and/or educate students from diverse populations; experiences that have shaped your professional goals and/or vision for a more diverse, equitable, and inclusive community; etc. (see full prompt on the graduate school application website)
  • You will be asked to list up to 5 specific CU faculty among our affiliates who you would be interested in working with.
  • GRE scores are optional
  • You need at least a 3.00 undergraduate grade point average or a 3.25 grade point average in graduate coursework
  • 对于国际博士申请者,英语水平要求由英国教育部制定 CU Graduate School